10 Things You Should Know How to Do

Are you tired of having to call your local handyman every time something goes amiss at home? You don’t have to. Believe it or not, there are a number of basic home repairs that you can actually conquer with ease. Here are 10 of the things you should learn how to do:


Fixing Your Toilet That Won’t Stop Running

It is very common to encounter a toilet with running water that won’t stop. It’s time to lift that toilet tank cover and familiarize yourself with what you find inside which by the way is the flush valve assembly.



If you feel like air leaks around some of your doors and windows, a quick solution would be to weatherstrip. Air-sealing is a great way to save your home about 15% of your costs for heating and cooling


Locating Your Main Water Shutoff Valve

Coming home to a flooded floor is not something anyone anticipates but it should definitely be something you are prepared to deal with. Shutting off the water supply to the entire house as soon as possible is crucial, especially if you cannot tell where the leak is primarily coming from.


Painting Your Room

This is really something you can do on your own. For you to achieve excellent results, you just need to know the basics and to have really good tools.  Do not forget or skip prepping your wall.


Installing a Wall Anchor

When there is something heavy that you really want to hang and there’s no wall stud that is needed for sturdy support, you should consider drywall anchors.


Cleaning Downspouts and Gutters

Gutters could get clogged and water could get trapped on the board right behind the gutter. Water could be forced under roof shingles, damaging them. Clean them at least twice a year.




Inspecting Your Attic

Most attic disasters are the result of your refusal or reluctance to go up there. Your attic is an area that you should not ignore. Visit once in a while, especially when there is a downpour to check for ay leaks.


Dealing with Garbage Disposal Stink

If you are done cleaning your sink but there still is that awful smell, chances are, your garbage disposal is the culprit. Turn off your disposal and drop one to two cups of ice into it. Turn the water on to dislodge the gunk stuck to some of the blades


Silencing Squeaky Doors

Not everyone has a WD-40 handy whenever something metal squeaks in their house. If you are in a squeaky-door trouble, try some petroleum jelly or cooking oil!


Fixing Your Doorbell

If you have been missing deliveries or friends’ visit, it’s time to fix that doorbell. Remove the pushbutton of your doorbell, disconnect the wires, and check if you hear the doorbell when you touch those wires together! If it does, it’s an easy fix!


For projects that are beyond your DIY skills, call George Kent to see how we can help!

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