Emergencies You Should Know How to Handle

When it comes to owning and maintaining a home, one thing is for sure – one way or another, things can always go wrong. Taking good care of your home can help prevent most mishaps. But in case some do happen, you need to be prepared so you can keep them from getting out of hand.


Here are 10 household emergencies that are common and you should definitely know how to handle:


  1. Power Outage

This may not seem much of a disaster, until your appliances get damaged by sudden power surges. What you should do in case of a power outage is to disconnect all the electronics in your home. Also, make sure you use candles with care. It would be safer to just use flashlights and emergency lamps, actually.


  1. Basement Flood

We know you want to run into your flooded basement immediately to save your belongings there. But before you do, you should make sure it’s safe. Locate the circuit breaker (You should know where it is the first day you move into your home, in truth.) and turn it off. Put on thick rain boots and rubber gloves to protect your skin from any possible toxic elements that may be in the flood water.


  1. Gas Leaks

If you are smelling gas odour or your carbon monoxide detector rings, you have to evacuate your home at once. When you have your family in a safe location, immediately call the gas company and request for a technician to visit your home and inspect the place for leaks.


  1. Burst Pipes

It could be a rusted drain outflow or a broken radiator causing the problem, but a burst pipe is always a lot of trouble. If water is gushing out, close the closest valve to the link and shut off the house’s main water valve. Once it’s off, open the smaller valve and drain all the water that’s left in some containers.


  1. Damaged Roof

Storm and strong winds can leave your roof battered and while it may seem like an easy task to nail down tarps using wood strips, it could still be dangerous for you. When you have trouble with your roofing, whether it’s repairable or needing replacement, call your trusted roofers from George Kent Home Improvements. You can then be assured that you’ll have the problem fixed in no time.


These are just some of the most common house emergencies that you have to be prepared for. Remember that no matter what the problem with the house may be, there’s always a solution, and all you need is a clear mind to deal with it.

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