Your roof is basically your shield from the harsh elements around us. However, year after year your roof is braving the elements so needless to say, wear and tear cannot be helped. Without proper roof maintenance, this sort of thing can happen in just a short amount of time. When you suspect that there is damage already done to your roof, water may seep inside and if this happens, you better get your gear ready and tackle this situation as soon as possible. If this is left unchecked, the problem will inevitably get worse, causing severe water damage and destroying the very structure of your home. So, whether your ceiling is getting water stains, if your wallpaper or paint is peeling, there is development of mould, wet spots or damp odours – if there are any of these evidences, then there is definitely a leak in your roof.


Here are some of the quick fixes that you can do yourself until professional help arrives:


Prioritize an Escape Route

Pooling water in the ceiling usually finds a way out. It can go through your light fixtures, and you do not want that to happen. In order to tackle this situation, it is best to give it what it wants which is an escape route. Look for a bulge in the ceiling – that indicates where the water is. Once you find the bulge, you should then create a hole in the middle and be sure you have at least two buckets ready. Once you made the hole in the middle, let the water drip into the buckets. Doing this should prevent any more water damage.


Channel Out the Water

Another way to tackle a leaking roof is channeling out the water directly. If you have an empty plastic one-gallon container lying around, duct tape, and a garden hose you should be able to do this.

What you need to do is cut the bottom of your water container, then apply duct tape around the garden hose directly into your container’s small opening. Afterwards, you can position the other end of your hose outside through your window. Place the water container just beneath the leak. Attaching the container to a ladder is a more effective way to do this.


These quick fixes are a great way to deal with roof leak problems. The next step now is to call for professional help. George Kent Home Improvements will always be there to help you out. You can reach us at our toll free number: 1-800-668-5439.


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