How to Choose the Right Window Shutters for your Home

Would you like to add exterior window shutters to your home to enhance its curb appeal? Like everything else to do with home decor, there is a right way and a not-so-effective way to go about adding this type of accessory to your home. Here are some suggestions for the best way to choose window shutters for your home.


Make Your Home Attractive with Window Shutters

  • Would the style of your home be enhanced with window shutters?

Not all homes will look attractive with the addition of window shutters. This is a look that is best suited to older homes. If you are living in a residence that was built 50 years ago (or more), shutters can add a certain ambiance to your architecture.

  • Shutter Size and Style Matters

If you decide that you are going to go ahead and install shutters, you may as well make them look as authentic as possible. “Real”shutters were cut so that each one was about half the size of the window where they were placed. They should be able to be mounted on the window trim, not alongside the window. Shutters should have hinges, either authentic or simulated ones to complete the look.

Louvered shutters are a common style. They are often seen with a tilt rod, which mimics plantation shutters used inside the home. You may also want to consider panelled shutters, especially if you have a panelled entrance door. This choice would complement the door very nicely.


Complement or Contrast? Picking out Paint for your Shutters

  • If your home has a very traditional style, your best bet is probably to stick with white or black shutters.
  • Take a close look at your home’s siding, brick work, existing trim, etc. When choosing a colour, you don’t necessarily have to match the existing trim exactly – just choose a similar tone. If the exterior of your home is dark, consider painting the shutters a few shades lighter. You can go with a colour that is a few shades darker than your current exterior if it is a light shade.


If you are looking to update your home’s siding or doors before you add new shutters, trust this job to the experts at George Kent. Contact us at 1-800-668-5439 for your free quote today.

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