How to Prepare for a Home Renovation

So you have decided to go ahead with your plans of renovating a part of your home. You have found a reliable contractor and you have agreed on the rates. You now have the schedule and it’s just a couple of days from now. What do you do? How do you prepare for it?

If you are like some who forgets things, then it is highly suggested that before you do everything, sit down and prepare a checklist. You might want to include these on your list to make sure you have everything you need to do covered.

Start Packing and Covering Things ASAP

You should pack away as much as you can in boxes and then throw a sheet over them to keep them from dust and sawdust. Of course there are going to be things that you can’t pack either because they are too big or it is going to be too troublesome to move them. Anything left from the packing should just be covered. If possible, you can get those huge zip closures that can protect whole areas or rooms.

Empty All the Shelves and Walls

Make sure there are no frames, mirrors, or any display pieces in adjacent rooms to keep things from falling off when work is being done in the next room. Others may say this is an overkill but really, how much effort would it take for you to just take them down? You don’t want to regret not doing this if any hammerings or drillings shake up your wall and send your frames flying.

Create Makeshift Headquarters

You cannot pack all your essentials, especially if you plan to stay at home during the duration of the renovation. It is wise to keep a room – one that will not be disturbed or affected by the renovation, as your headquarters with all your needs safely placed there. You might want to include your coffeemaker, toaster, flat iron, microwave, and anything else that you might suddenly need.

If you are planning to stay somewhere else though, then there would be no need for this.

Brace Yourself

Your house is now ready to be renovated and the last on the list left to prepare is you and your family. If you have kids, set their expectations too, let them know that there are going to be people around working on making your home look better than ever. Relax and have your patience in place. You’re going to need a lot of it in the next coming days.

Renovations go differently for each household and sometimes for each project too. Your sister might have had a nightmare when she got her kitchen renovated but that doesn’t mean you’ll experience the same. The only way you can avoid this is by preparing yourself and of course, getting the service of the most reliable contractors in your area who would deliver excellent services for a fuss-free renovation project.

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