What does a BBB grade mean when you look it up online? This is a valuable piece of information when you are trying to find out whether you should do business with a particular company. Before you sign a contract for home renovations, you should make a point of checking out the company with the Better Business Bureau for your own protection.
BBB Grade Overview
The BBB assigns grades to companies to represent the organization’s opinion about the business. Each grade assigned is based on information in the BBB file about the company. Once a grade has been assigned, it can be lowered if the BBB does not have enough information about the business, in spite of sending requests to the business owner for its file.
Letter grades are assigned from A+ to F. If there is insufficient information, the BBB may not assign a letter grade. These grades are not a guarantee of a particular business’ reliability, but can be used as a tool along with other sources of information to determine whether to deal with a particular company.
Grading Elements Used to Determine BBB Grade
1. Number of complaints filed with the BBB, whether the complaints were considered serious, and if they were resolved promptly
2. If the business operates outside the law, “materially misrepresent its products or services” or is likely to generate a high level of customer dissatisfaction, its grade will be lowered.
3. Length of time in business
4. Failure to honour commitments to the BBB will result in a lower grade
5. Failure to have required competency licensing in place will mean a lower grade
6. Misuse of the BBB name or marks also means lower grades.
George Kent Home Improvements Ltd. BBB Grade
George Kent Home Improvements Ltd. is proud of its A+ BBB Grade. The company has been serving residents of Toronto and the Greater Toronto area since 1949. We take pride in our work and the fact that we have built our reputation one customer at a time.
If you are looking for a reliable, experienced contractor for roofing, siding, doors, windows, or insulation, contact us today for a free estimate.