Why Your Last Renovation Didn’t Work Out for You

You have just moved in to your new home, or perhaps you have lived in your house for way too long and you are just aching for something new to look at and be happy about when you’re home. Of course you would want a renovation and naturally you have had visualized just how great it would look like. You knew everything would work perfectly – until it didn’t. Your big renovation had gone horribly wrong.


What could have gone wrong? There are a few things you could have done better with. Here are some of them:


Communication Concerns

You either have communicated too little or way too much. Either way, it didn’t work. It could be you have given too much artistic detail and forgot that the construction guy is not exactly a designer. There is big possibility that he didn’t get your specific vision. It could have been better if you had been able to deliver the utilitarian aspect of the renovation, too. It is also possible that you had given so little instruction and trusted that it would turn out the way you imagined it to be.


Budget Blunders

You have a very specific vision which was probably a bit high end. You went for the contractor whose bid was the lowest without asking how that is even possible. You were just happy that you get to save some. Your blunder, however, has resulted to your space looking like an experiment or an example of what not to do. You should not fall for false promises, especially about prices and rates. Chances are, if it’s too good to be true, it must be.


M.I.A. Contractor

Your contractor was doing a good job. That is, until he got halfway through it and decided that is all the time he had for your project. Suddenly you were left with a half-done project. This, unfortunately, is an all too common problem.


Most of the reasons why your last renovation did not work is because you had chosen the wrong contractor. The right contractor would have made sure that you are on the same page. He would have not made a bid that is not realistic and would have been honest about the right pricing. Most of all he would have not left you hanging and finished your renovation project.


Your last renovation might not have worked out for you but that does not mean you should never have one done again. The key is to be extra careful, do your research, and get yourself the right contractor. George Kent can make sure you get your next one done the way you want to!


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